Mike Posner Hits

Jun 25 2012

Apply to be the July MPH Fan Of The Month!

I know Mike Posner has the best fans in the world, now it’s time for you to prove it! Send me your Posner love! First, follow @MikePosnerHits and then email me the completed list of questions you will find below at fans@mikeposnerhits.com along with a photo of you or you with Mike. Who knows, since you will be featured in the sidebar and Mike visits the site, he might see you! The 1st submission I receive will be the next FOTM. The rest of the submissions will be saved for the next upcoming months. Apply Now! (Please do not apply in the comments section, send  an email!)

  1. Your first name and age:
  2. Hometown: (city, state, and country)
  3. Twitter: (optional)
  4. How I discovered Mike Posner:
  5. Favorite song by Mike Posner: (list 1 song title ONLY)
  6. I have seen Mike Posner in concert: (list when and where)
  7. Why I love Mike Posner: (less is more / keep it short)
  8. Your photo: (photo must have YOU in it)

Thank you!
xoxo Christina


Posted by Christina under Fans, Fansite

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