Mike Posner Hits

Disclaimer & Terms of Use


MikePosner.net is the Official Fansite of singer, songwriter, and producer Mike Posner. This is a site created & maintained by a fan for the fans. The main aim of the site is to provide fans with a frequently updated resource that will allow them to stay connected and up-to-date on the latest news related to Mike’s career.

All published photos, media, and articles are copyrighted to their respective owners. All media (e.g. music, videos, photos, etc) are being used under the Fair Use Copyright Law 107. I do not claim ownership of these materials and any copyright infringements are entirely unintentional. If you are the owner of photos used on this site and wish credits on your photos, please contact me to let me know and I will be glad to add them. If you are the owner of photos used on this site and want them removed, please specify which ones and give me time to remove them before taking any further action.


By visiting this site, you are bound by these terms:
In the terms below, WEBMASTER refers to the owner(s) and/or maintainer(s) of this entire website.

  • You agree not to threaten, harass, take legal action against, coerce, make demands or requests of, or force signatures or other legal contracts with the WEBMASTER no matter what the reason, even if you feel you have a legal right.
  • You agree not to hold the WEBMASTER liable for anything you find on this site.
  • You agree not to redistribute any portion of this site.
  • Unless specified otherwise, the WEBMASTER does not claim ownership of anything found on this site.
  • The WEBMASTER does not knowingly intend or attempt to offend or violate any copyright or intellectual property rights of any entity.
  • To the best of the WEBMASTER’s knowledge, all content, images, videos, sounds, photos, etc., if any, are being used in compliance with Fair Use Copyright Law 107.
  • Other than Mike Posner, The WEBMASTER does not claim any affiliation or connection with the other celebrities or any other entity referenced on this site.
  • This is a fan-operated site and the WEBMASTER is not compensated for any portion of this site in any way.
  • This site may contain material inappropriate for some viewers.
  • The WEBMASTER reserves the right to make changes to any part of this site at any time.
  • These terms are in effect throughout the entire site and includes all content.