Mike Posner Hits

Jun 30 2014

Fan #4 Gets Tattoo of Mike Posner’s Motto ‘Relate. Love. Inspire.’

Vanessa got a tattoo, located on the right side of her torso, of Mike Posner’s motto & inspirational quote ‘Relate. Love. Inspire.’ last week, June 25. The Calligraphy lettering style is named Scriptina, which is also the same lettering style Beatriz chose for her tattoo. It’s fancy, feminine, elegant and just so pretty. I think it came out really great, and I love it! So far, Vanessa is the 4th fan that I’ve come across to have the same inspiring words inked on her body. Check out the photos of her Posner-inspired new ink! 🙂

I really like seeing Mike’s fans feel so inspired by his quotes & song lyrics to go out and get cool tattoos done. It makes me want to get one too! Ha ha. Seriously, I’m starting to get the itch for some new ink! I’ve actually always wanted to do a Posner-inspired tattoo since 2011. I just never put much thought into what to get. Perhaps one day I will get around to it. I have 3 tattoos already from a few years ago when I had them done back to back when I was 21 (they’re addictive LOL).


Thank you for sharing with MikePosnerHits.com, Vanessa!

More ‘Relate. Love. Inspire.’ tattoos inspired by Mike Posner:

  1. Beatriz
  2. Andy
  3. Fatou

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Posted by Christina under Fans

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