April 16 - Mike Posner's Walk Across America - New Jersey

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019586 views1080 x 1080Photo credit: instagram.com/sheila_mcmahon

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019564 views1080 x 1080Photo credit: instagram.com/itisdrewpynow

Mike Posner and Jamie Yuccas (CBS News) in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019558 views960 x 720Photo credit: facebook.com/jamieyuccas

Mike Posner and Jamie Yuccas (CBS News) in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019619 views960 x 720Photo credit: facebook.com/jamieyuccas

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019530 views1080 x 1349Photo credit: instagram.com/justine716

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019649 views1080 x 1348Photo credit: instagram.com/justine716

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019732 views1080 x 1345Photo credit: instagram.com/justine716

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019415 views600 x 750Photo credit: instagram.com/kelly16sisters

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019714 views1080 x 1080Photo credit: instagram.com/gbergzzzz

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019713 views1080 x 1080Photo credit: instagram.com/gbergzzzz

Mike Posner in Farmingdale, NJ on April 16, 2019728 views1080 x 1080Photo credit: instagram.com/gbergzzzz