Mike Posner Hits

Feb 04 2012

Hot 103.5: Mike Posner Radio Interview with Ray Styles (Transcript)

This interview is from February 3, 2012; on Sacramento’s radio station Hot 103.5 with host Ray Styles. It took place over a 2 hour course of club mixes, so the interview as a whole was fairly brief.

Ray Styles: So, what’s the new album looking like?

Mike Posner: “It’s dope, it’s a lot of hip hop, I always say I’m a rapper trapped in a singer’s body.” *chuckles* “It’s funny, cuz I always wanted to produce music and get rappers to use my beats, but the only one who would use them at the time was my boy Big Sean.”

RS: Who is one celebrity you would like to work with in the future?

MP: “Young Jeezy.”

RS: Really? Jeezy? *chuckles*

MP: “Hey, you hatin’ on Jeezy?” *laughs*

RS: So, what was the inspiration behind the song “Cooler than Me”?

MP: “That song was inspired by the types of girls I met at Duke. A lot of people don’t know I actually made that song in my dorm room on a cheap microphone.”

RS: Who are the top 5 celebrities you’ve met since you became famous?

MP: “Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Jay-Z, Kanye West, and uhm I gotta pick my last one carefully… Ray Styles (host)” *chuckles*

RS: What inspired “Please Don’t Go”?

MP: “I was seeing a girl in New York at the time, and the song was inspired by our fling.”

RS: What inspired you to make the song “Bow Chicka Wow Wow”?

MP: “I wanted to make a song that people could have on when they’re trying to cement the deal. People have came up to me and told me they had sex with their girl for the first time to my song. I like when the girls tell me that but it’s kinda weird when the guys say it because its like ‘you did that to my voice?’ I don’t know, it makes it kinda awkward talking to them after that.” *laughs*

RS: Let’s pretend in front of you there’s an envelope. Inside the envelope is the exact date of your death. Would you open it?

MP: “Yeah, I would open it. Cuz if it’s tomorrow, I’m leaving this interview!” *laughs* “I would probably get drunk… I don’t know.”

RS: Tell me what’s behind the title, “Looks Like Yes”?

MP: “Well, you know sometimes you see a girl that doesn’t necessarily look like a pin-up girl but she just looks like… YES!”

RS: Now the dirty version of the song is called “Looks Like…”

MP: “YES!” *laughs*

RS: OK, pretend there’s a button that says “career ender” and you have to push it for either Young Jeezy or Beyoncé. Whose career do you end?

MP: “Aw man! Well, Jeezy is involved in a society called BMF (Black Mafia Family) and I wouldn’t wanna mess with that, so I would probably push Beyoncé’s just out of fear.” *chuckles*

RS: OK same question, Beyoncé or Rihanna?

MP: “Nah, man I wouldn’t push either, they’re both talented.”

RS: Alright Mike, before you leave, are there any ways the fans can reach you?

MP: “Yes! You can follow me on Twitter @MikePosner or like me on Facebook, Facebook.com/therealmikeposner.”

Big Thank you to Javonne for submitting this in to MPH. 🙂

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Posted by Christina under Interviews

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