Machine Gun Kelly: “Me and Mike Posner Have Got a Joint”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview MGK did with The Masked Gorilla from HipHop DX.
Me and [the band] Good Charlotte just got in the studio last week. [We made] kind of like a dubstep, electro-type joint. Me and Lil B have got a joint, me and Mike Posner have got a joint – and these are all for the album,” he said. “The album is looking great, man. It’s got a certified stamp from like, the certified up-and-coming [artists] and a lot of the already certified O.G.s of the game. It’s just a dope mesh [of music], [with] people like me and Mike Posner doing a song, which you wouldn’t normally see me do, and me and Good Charlotte doing the same thing…the album’s going to drop [this] Fall, I don’t give a f–k what anybody says…Its dropping Fall. F–k that, labels, all that stuff. I’m dropping that bitch [this] Fall if I have to drop it myself. – MGK on Lace Up album