Mike Posner to Appear at Hob Nobble Gobble

More than 2,000 guests will come together for the 24th Annual Hob Nobble Gobble, a black- tie fundraising event sponsored by Ford Motor Company. The benefit will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Friday, November 22, 2013 at Ford Field in Detroit, MI. The Parade Company is a non-profit that creates and produces the 87th America’s Thanksgiving Parade presented by Art Van. This year’s Parade theme is, “Downtown Our Town.”
Due to appear is local singer/songwriter/producer Mike Posner. The event will also feature fabulous food, rides and live entertainment from end zone to end zone for both kids and adults alike.
WDIV-TV Local 4 will air a live, primetime Hob Nobble Gobble special from 8 p.m. -8:30 p.m.
Tickets are $350-$1,000 ($200 for children 6 and under). To purchase tickets or for more information visit theparade.org or call 313-923-7400.
America’s Thanksgiving Parade, Ford Field, Hob Nobble Gobble, Mike Posner