Mike Posner Does Live Ustream Q&A With Fans

Mike Posner did a live Q&A on Ustream yesterday, July 16, 2013. He starts off thanking everyone for their support and allowing him to live out his dreams. He feels grateful, loved, and blessed to have his family, friends, and his team around him that has been there for him through everything. Then Mike starts answering several questions from his fans.
Check out the video! Mike starts talking at 17:30 into the video. It took him quite some time to sit down at his laptop, LOL. It’s definitely a MUST WATCH! If for some reason the video doesn’t play here, then visit the Ustream page HERE to view it.
Here are a few of the Q&As from the Ustream that I tried to note down as best as I could of the most important and interesting topics, but definitely still watch the video. I spent quite some time on getting this post together for you to check out. I didn’t get everything down word for word, especially the parts where he talks the longest on certain subjects. The video is an hour long, but Mike talks for around 43 minutes, minus 17 minutes in the very beginning where he wasn’t sitting down at his laptop yet.
Side note: If you missed this Q&A with Mike Posner or your question didn’t get answered, he’s is doing another Q&A real soon with Saturday Night Online! Get registered HERE and submit your questions NOW for this exclusive event. Then, visit SaturdayNightOnline.com on Saturday July 20th, 2013 at 8pm EST to see if your questions get answered! I don’t know when the deadline is, so be sure to submit in your questions for Mike no later than Friday.
Q: When is your album coming out?
A: My album is coming out in late Fall and it’s called Pages. I don’t have an exact date yet, but stay tuned. It’s good!
Q: What’s it like working with Rittz?
A: Rittz is a really good writer, like an incredible writer. I was amazed how his songs are put together. They’re almost like pop songs even though he’s an ill MC. His voice is crazy. My friend told me about his music, and I invited him to my house and we made a song.
Q: Tell us something about the music video.
A: My first single “The Way It Used To Be”, is on iTunes now. We haven’t shot the video for it, because we have been on ‘Believe Tour’ with Justin. As soon as this tour is over, we’re gonna shoot the video in L.A. And you’ll have it as soon as soon as we’re done.
Q: Are you coming to Brooklyn with Justin in August?
A: My last day on the ‘Believe Tour’ is in Boston. Then I’ll be on tour with Ke$ha for 3 weeks in August. Check my website and Facebook for those dates. But, who knows, I could be making a guest appearance in Detroit. Ya never know.
Q: When is “Not That Simple” coming out?
A: Uhh…Soon. Pages coming soon.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about being on tour?
A: This has been the best tour that I’ve been on. I think maybe I have developed as a performer, singer, and as a person. I’ve really enjoyed this tour. Grateful for the people around me, for the experience that I’m able to go to these awesome places and spend time with my friends. I went to Niagara Falls, hiked in Boulder, and meeting new friends.
Q: Who is someone that you want to work with in the future?
A: Andre 3000. For sure.
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do in Detroit?
A: Hang out with my family.
Q: When will you be having your own tour?
A: ASAP. Right after I put out Pages. I’m gonna do my own tour.
Q: How was it working with Justin?
A: Justin is so talented. He plays guitar incredibly well, plays drums incredibly well, piano, and sings incredibly well. He’s one of those people that is good at everything, and your amazed the whole time you’re with him. I’m grateful that I got to do “Boyfriend” with him and grateful to be on tour with him.
Q: How was it working Diplo?
A: Diplo is one of my favorite people. He’s so fun, and a good guy. It’s fun working with Diplo. We have a new song that came out and it’s on his SoundCloud. It’s called “Crown”.
Q: Anything with Big Sean on Pages.
A: Yes, definitely. Big Sean, and Diplo is on my album. A lot of the people that I’ve written for, produced for, and done features for in the past have very graciously returned the favor.
Q: What’s your inspiration behind Pages?
A: I write all my songs, poems, and dream in my notebook. All those letters from the tour that I write to you guys are all in this notebook. My album is called Pages, because really my album is just a few pages from this notebook. (He shuffles through the pages of his notebook, and talks more about what contains in it.) You’ll understand it even more when you hear the album.
Q: Who’s your favorite rapper?
A: My favorite rapper of all time is Andre 3000 from Outkast. My favorite rapper right now is Big Sean.
Q: Is Pages the new name for Sky High, or is Pages a completely new project?
A: Pages is a completely new project. I had an epiphany a year and half ago. I was on an airplane and the song “Pretty Damn Good” popped into my head. The lyrics are “I can’t sing like Frank Sinatra / I can’t dance I’m not that cool / I can’t act don’t have an Oscar / But I did pretty damn good when I found you.” When that popped into my head, everything sort of made sense. I was like stumbling forward in my career and in my life and doing things all for the wrong reasons. I wanted more hits, more fame, more money and always on my phone. I’m here to do 3 things – Love. Inspire. Relate. (He talks about this subject for quite some time, and he explained and shared a lot as to why it took him 3 years to release an album. Watch the video to hear his entire speech on this topic. This was by far my favorite part.)
At the end, Mike shares a snippet of a brand new song that he just recorded a few days ago in Columbus, OH. Then he wrote a quick note in his notebook and shared it on the screen. It read… “Thank you! I’m so grateful for you. Love. Inspire. Relate.”

Gallery link: Screen Captures > Live Ustream Q&A With Fans 7/16/13
André 3000, Believe Tour, Big Sean, Crown, Diplo, Justin Bieber, L.A. Story, Mike Posner, Not That Simple, Pages, Pretty Damn Good, Rittz, Sammy Adams, The Way It Used To Be, Ustream