Mike Posner at Hob Nobble Gobble 2013

Mike Posner attended the annual Hob Nobble Gobble, fundraiser for Detroit’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, on Friday night, November 22, 2013 at Ford Field. Mike attended the event with his parents, as well as his manager Patrick Cline and personal assistant Matthew Chatigny. Check out the photo below! Also check out a photo of Mike Posner, Jason Derulo, etc at a meet & greet at the event!
My team and my parents…all I really need. Dressed up in Detroit. Relate. Love. Inspire. – Mike Posner
Ford Field, Hob Nobble Gobble, Jason Derulo, Matthew Chatigny, Mike Posner, Mr. Posner, Mrs. Posner, Patrick Cline
Posted by Christina under Events