Mike Posner Podcast – What Does This All Mean? (Episode 24)

Mike Posner shared his twenty-fourth episode from his very own podcast series titled What Does This All Mean? In episode 24, Mike Posner and Jeremy Gilley (Founder, Peace One Day) speak about Jeremy’s journey to #PeaceDay. Peace One Day is a non-profit organization whose objective is to institutionalize the International Day of Peace on September 21. Listen to the full episode now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
Also, check out Mike Posner is a Peace One Day Ambassador.
Achieving The Impossible – Jeremy Gilley (E24):
Mike Posner and Jeremy Gilley recount Jeremy’s journey to discovering his truth. How he met the Dali Lama. How he achieved what some said was an impossible idea in making International Peace Day a reality. How this day has impacted tens of millions of people across the globe, and what it means for believing in eventual world peace.
Jeremy Gilley, Mike Posner, Peace One Day, What Does This All Mean?