Mike Posner Hits

Dec 08 2017

Mike Posner Podcast – What Does This All Mean? (Episodes 10 & 11)

Last week, Mike Posner shared his tenth and eleventh episodes from his very own podcast series titled What Does This All Mean? In episode 10, Mike speaks with one of America’s leading spiritual teachers and authors, Sharon Salzberg. She is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts. She has played a crucial role in bringing Asian meditation practices to the West. The ancient Buddhist practices of vipassana (mindfulness) and metta (lovingkindness) are the foundations of her work. Finally, in episode 11, which is a part of episode 10, Sharon leads Mike and his listeners through a Loving Kindness Guided Meditation. Check it all out below!

Mike Posner Podcast – What Does This All Mean? (Episodes 10 & 11)

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud8npnMGuVY

Sharon Salzberg — Meeting the Dalai Lama, Meditation, Buddhism, Art (E10):

New York Times Bestselling author, Sharon Salzberg, joins Mike and speaks on her experiences as a Buddhist meditation teacher in the West. As a former student who has now evolved into a teacher, she discusses meeting the Dalai Lama, her meditation practices and answers questions from Mike and his audience.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_Z4Wy27GVA

Sharon Salzberg — Loving Kindness Guided Meditation (E11):

Sharon Salzberg leads Mike and his listeners through a Loving Kindness Guided Meditation that focuses on the quality of connecting with yourself.

“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” ~Lao Tzu.

I had a marvelous discussion with Sharon Salzberg on this week’s episode. We discuss meeting the Dalai Lama, what to do with your life, meditate together, and much more. Link here. Love you guys! I’m currently at a meditation retreat on Maui with Ram Dass and it is INCREDIBLE. Let me know what you think of this episode. ? by @jamesbvalentine – MP

Mike Posner visiting Telluride, Colorado in July 2017

Mike Posner visiting Telluride, Colorado in July 2017. Photo by James Valentine.

Available Now:

Episode 10 iTunes: http://mikeposner.co/sharon
Episode 10 Soundcloud: http://mikeposner.co/sharonsc
Episode 11 iTunes: http://mikeposner.co/loving
Episode 11 Soundcloud: http://mikeposner.co/lovingsc
Website: http://mikeposner.co/pod


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