Mike Posner Sits Down With Seventeen Magazine

Mike Posner Spills Tour Secrets & Dating Drama
Seventeen: The “Please Don’t Go” singer is back, releasing a new album out this Fall. Mike admitted to Seventeen he has nothing to hide, so we grilled him. Hard.
Journaling Made Him Famous
“I write all my songs, poems, dreams, and goals in a notebook. I called my upcoming album Pages because my album is really selected pages from my notebook.”
What Justin Bieber’s Really Like On Tour
“Justin and I definitely had fun touring together. One day we had a prank war. Justin started it! I was performing and during my second song, something hit my arm. I turned around and Justin was on stage with a big mannequin dancing during my show!”
Even Musicians Don’t Get All The Girls
“My song ‘The Way It Used To Be’ is about the girl that got away. Even though it’s sad, I wanted to tell it in a fun way. If you listen to the words, they are pretty heart-breaking, but the song sounds happy. In college I worked with Miike Snow, and he taught me the trick to mix sad lyrics with happy beats and vice versa.”
Justin Bieber, Mike Posner, Pages, Seventeen, The Way It Used To Be