Mike Posner Hits

Mar 10 2018

Mike Posner ‘Tear Drops and Balloons’ (Audiobook) – NOW AVAILABLE!

Mike Posner released the audiobook version of his first book of poetry, Tear Drops and Balloons, and is now available on Amazon, Audible, iTunes, Apple Music, and Spotify!

Definitely, check it out! Mike reads all of the poems himself. I listened to all of it on Spotify last night and I enjoyed it very much.

Get your copy of the hardcover book at mike-posner.myshopify.com.

Mike Posner - Tear Drops And Balloons (audiobook)

Tear Drops and Balloons is a collection of poems by Mike Posner. It comes as a breath of fresh air in a time otherwise polluted with catchphrases, “ism’s”, and cheap quotes that have slowly permeated what used to be poetic expression. Fearlessly, Posner cuts quickly to the bone, speaks from the gut, and offers his perspective on the world. By holding nothing back and showing no mercy in his words, he has created a body of work that showcases his ability to open his own wounds and show us what lies within.


  1. Introduction
  2. Blank
  3. Charts
  4. No Time for Metaphors
  5. The Woman On The Wall
  6. i’m thinking about horses
  7. Bruno Mars
  8. Interviews
  9. Woman I Was Scared To Talk To
  10. I Suck At Girls
  11. My Favorite Stain
  12. The Truth
  13. A Song with Pitbull
  14. We Don’t Chew Gum
  15. * = God
  16. Can’t Sleep in Germany
  17. Samsara, Pt II
  18. Little Blue Dot
  19. UberX Driver
  21. Don’t Ask The Sun to Shine More Like The Moon
  22. Masks
  23. Quotes, Pt II
  24. Dating
  25. Gratitude
  26. Poem With Too Many Complex Rhymes It’s Kind Of A Shit Poem
  27. pete = me/you
  28. who am i to say?
  29. Hate Mail
  30. Masks, Pt II
  31. Alone in the City, Pt III
  32. A NYC Memory I Remembered in Punta Cana
  33. Tear Drops and Balloons


Posted by Christina under News

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