Mike Posner to Perform at 103.7 The Q’s ‘Just Show Up Show’ at Sloss Fright Furnace

On October 14th, 103.7 The Q’s Just Show Up Show will be at the historic Sloss Fright Furnace in Birmingham, Alabama with performances by Mike Posner, Jake Miller, AJ Mitchell, Alec Benjamin, and more to be announced.
Visit their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts and leave comments with both hashtags #JustShowUpShow #ContestEntry for a chance to WIN backstage and skip the line passes and stick around after the show and experience one of the South’s best haunted attractions, Sloss Fright Furnace!
Our #justshowupshow is BACK Sunday October 14th at historic @FrightFurnace with performances by @mikeposner @jakemiller @ajmitchell @alecbenjamin and more to be announced 🙌😃 Use #justshowupshow #contestentry to win backstage ➕ skip the line passes 👻 pic.twitter.com/SBtj0l87pz— 103.7 The Q (@1037theq) September 7, 2018