Mike Posner Hits

Mike Posner – Tear Drops and Balloons

Mike Posner’s poetry collection, Tear Drops And Balloons, is a deeply personal exploration of his life experiences. In discussing the title, Posner explains, “When I was maybe 24 years old, I realized that if I flipped the paper upside down, the teardrops became balloons.” This reflects his ability to transform negativity into positivity, a theme that resonates throughout the collection.

The poems within Tear Drops And Balloons cover a wide range of topics, from love and loss to fame and insecurity. One notable poem, titled “Hate Mail,” is a collage of mean tweets Posner received online. As he explains, “When I take something that’s…negative and try to find the humor or the art in that, then it doesn’t cut so deeply.” This ability to find beauty and meaning in even the most challenging aspects of life is evident throughout the collection.

Posner’s songwriting also draws from deeply personal experiences, as he acknowledges that his songs and poems “are coming from the same place.” He further elaborates, “It’s kinda like hot water and cold water. They’re both coming from the same filtration system somewhere up the stream…but they come out of a different faucet.” This analogy highlights the interconnectedness of his creative endeavors, while also acknowledging the unique expression found in each medium.

Tear Drops and Balloons is a collection of poems by Mike Posner. It comes as a breath of fresh air in a time otherwise polluted with catch phrases, “ism’s”, and cheap quotes that have slowly permeated what used to be poetic expression. Fearlessly, Posner cuts quickly to the bone, speaks from the gut, and offers his perspective on the world. By holding nothing back and showing no mercy in his words, he has created a body of work that showcases his ability to open his own wounds and show us what lies within.

RELEASED: March 17, 2017
PUBLISHER: Youniverse Publishing
LINKS: Amazon (Audiobook) | Audible | Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube


Tear Drops and BalloonsTear Drops and BalloonsTear Drops and BalloonsTear Drops and BalloonsTear Drops and Balloons
