Mike Posner’s Star Is Online Now
My friends and I, The Posner Pretties, named a star after Mike Posner from International Star Registry earlier this year. He received it, took a photo of it, and he thanked us on Twitter for the gift. Today, the star can now be searched online at International Star Registry.
Search By Dedication Name: Mike Posner
Or you can CLICK HERE to see it directly on the site, as well.
Thank you Posner Pretties so much. They got a star named after me. I love yawl forever. instagr.am/p/JRYw7dviUf/
— Mike Posner (@MikePosner) April 11, 2012
@posnerpretties @mikeposnerhits @shaeliposner @xocrystalc @tianaposner @mayraposner @dazzleposner thank u so much.
— Mike Posner (@MikePosner) April 11, 2012
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