Mike Posner Talks With Music Choice About His New Album & Single “Song About You”

Mike Posner talks with Music Choice about his upcoming album, his new single “Song About You,” and much more. He talks about his album-making process and how he likes to finish his album completely before releasing new singles. His new album is 100% done, but he hasn’t revealed an actual release date just yet.
In recent interviews, Mike has mentioned that the album is set to release sometime in January 2019. I can’t help but think about his Dad’s anniversary of his passing coming up on January 11th, and he also has a new song titled “January 11” appearing on the new album. I wonder if he’ll release it on that date. We shall see.
Mike also talked about how his 12-day retreat into isolation helped him learn how to be a better listener. Watch all of the videos and check out the photos below!
Mike Posner Talks New Album
Mike Posner reveals he’s done with his new album.
Mike Posner on “Song About You” and Music as a Creative Outlet
Mike Posner on “Song About You” and how he uses music as a creative outlet.
Mike Posner on His 12-Day Isolation Retreat
Mike Posner explains how his 12-day retreat into isolation helped him learn how to be a better listener.

A Real Good Kid, January 11 2017, Mike Posner, Mr. Posner, Music Choice, Song About You, Stuck In The Middle