Mike Posner Hits

Mar 20 2011

Cooler Than Mike Posner? by Azza Suliman

“As I was sitting waiting for AmarudonTV at Lucid Group reception, this guy with amazing porcelain skin and reddish beard drifts past with his ipad. He had the hugest smile, which was somewhat infectious, accompanied with these perfect teeth. “So what book do you think I should get?” his tone and the way he spoke was extremely laid back, that sort of threw me, two surprises in the space of 2 minutes, nice, I thought.

I had heard and seen the name Mike Posner around and was a fan of his song “Cooler Than Me” taken from his album 31 Minutes to Takeoff released last year but that is as far as my knowledge went.

We set up the equipment and Amaru sat down to record the interview. I soon forgot about what I was doing there and became engrossed in his answers. I found out that he started out producing and that he waited until he finished his education before going into his career fully thanks to his mother, even though his mixtapes where doing so well, which I admire. His latest song Bow Chicka Wow Wow, which he wrote with Bruno Mars features Lil Wayne and he turned down Jay-Z and signed with Sony, which goes against the grain.

However, what stood out to me was what he said about his music, “the audience is not stupid; if you make music that you do not feel people can tell”. I like it when someone does not tries to sell me his or her music but tries to tell me their story, I believe you cannot achieve longevity otherwise. Well, I think he has a great head on his shoulders and by working with my favourite producer Labrinth I am already sold. Looking forward to seeing what he does next.”

Source: Azza Suliman

I love this a lot. Love the photos, because they’re amazing, and everything Azza wrote about Mike. I think I can speak on behalf of all the female fans and agree with her that Mike’s smile is infectious. We LOVE it too! In fact, it’s my favorite smile, EVER. – Christina


Posted by Christina under Interviews

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